After This American Life aired a story by Mike Daisey on Apple manufacturer Foxconn in China, Marketplace's China correspondent Rob Schmitz delved deeper into the background and facts. We hear from Schmitz today about his reporting, which revealed that Daisey lied on many counts about what he found. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney has decided to cut back on field organizers and media buys. Consumer prices rise the most in 10 months. And our commentator says preserving funding for public higher education would improve the economy.
After This American Life aired a story by Mike Daisey on Apple manufacturer Foxconn in China, Marketplace’s China correspondent Rob Schmitz delved deeper into the background and facts. We hear from Schmitz today about his reporting, which revealed that Daisey lied on many counts about what he found. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney has decided to cut back on field organizers and media buys. Consumer prices rise the most in 10 months. And our commentator says preserving funding for public higher education would improve the economy.