Second theft of U.S. secrets likely won't hurt contractors

Oct 6, 2016
There'll be much scrutiny of the government's use of contractors, but we can't quit them now.
The seals of the U.S. Cyber Command, the National Security Agency and the Central Security Service greet employees and visitors at the campus the three organizations share in Fort Meade, Maryland.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Will data-sharing agreement affect tech industry?

Jan 29, 2016
Just because they parked it in your spot doesn't necessarily make it yours.

Finding art in NSA Powerpoints

Sep 29, 2015
Artist Simon Denny draws inspiration from the tech world for his art.

Data on our data: 100,000 malware implants

Jun 13, 2014
Another number to remind us how much we've learned a year after the Snowden leaks.

Silicon Tally: NSA my name

Jun 13, 2014
How well have you kept up on this week's tech news?

Data on our data: 30 days to review taped phone calls

Jun 11, 2014
Another number to remind us how much we've learned a year after the Snowden leaks.

For public good, not for profit.

Data on our data: 5 billion location records every day

Jun 9, 2014
Another number to remind us how much we've learned a year after the Snowden leaks.

A canary in the coal mine... and in your Mac

May 13, 2014
Firms can use a loophole to let their customers know what the NSA hasn't asked.