Alex Hager

Latest Stories (2)

After disasters, mobile home owners often struggle to recover

Sep 14, 2023
Mobile homes are uniquely vulnerable when natural disasters hit, and face challenges when trying to get recovery money. Some in Colorado are still grappling with the effects of flooding in 2013.
Brand new affordable housing units sit on a hillside above Lyons on Aug. 14, 2023. People who were displaced by flooding have priority access to the new units, but few former mobile home residents are expected to move in.
Alex Hager/KUNC

Water-short cities in the West want to use every drop, even from sewage

Aug 23, 2023
Direct potable reuse technology, which lets cities pump treated wastewater back into pipes, is picking up steam from Colorado to California.
A flask of purified recycled water after a demonstration in Carson, California.
Alex Hager/KUNC