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Annie Baxter

Former Senior Reporter


Annie Baxter is a former senior reporter for Marketplace. She covered a range of topics, with a focus on agriculture and food, from her perch in St. Paul, Minn., where Marketplace’s parent company is headquartered.

Annie has been making radio since 2000, when she pursued an internship at KQED in San Francisco. At the time, she was enrolled in a doctoral program focused on literature and philosophy at UC Berkeley. But she got hooked on radio and quickly ditched her plans to become an academic.

At Marketplace, Annie works hard to make radio stories that transport listeners somewhere new and that connect them with people they might not otherwise meet. She loves taking big business stories about things like GMOs or the Big Food industry and making them feel human scale.

Before joining Marketplace, Annie spent a decade covering business in Minnesota, where she chronicled people’s experiences of the economy, including couples forced into long-distance relationships due to scarce work and parents trying to explain their unemployment to their children. Her work has garnered dozens of awards, including two regional Edward R. Murrow awards.


Latest Stories (338)

The cargo shipping industry is turning things around

Aug 18, 2017
After the Great Recession, the cargo shipping industry overestimated how fast the consumer economy would bounce back. It’s been a tough few years, with empty space on many cargo ships that carry furniture, clothes and office supplies — pretty much all the stuff Americans buy in stories. But now, old ships are getting replaced with a […]

Today, Target reports. More bad news from the retail sector?

Aug 16, 2017
This morning, we’ll hear from discount retailer Target on how it performed in the second quarter of the year. Last month, Target raised its guidance on sales at stores open at least a year. Analysts will be watching to see how its digital sales perform against big rivals like Amazon, which present ever increasing threats. […]

Cable companies don’t mind if customers watch more streamed TV

Aug 9, 2017
You may have heard about Disney’s announcement that it’s going to launch its own streaming service. The company is ending a deal with Netflix and says it wants more control over its destiny. And as for cable, that service that “cord cutters” and “cord nevers” spurn, is another streaming service a problem for them? Maybe […]

Trump wants to end the opioid crisis, but offers no new policies to do it

Aug 8, 2017
President Trump this afternoon acknowledged the epidemic of opioid abuse in the U.S., but took no action on a report by a commission he created to study the crisis. That report urged the president to declare a national emergency to combat the health crisis. In a briefing with his top officials, Trump said there is […]

How an immigration raid threw a small Iowa town into economic crisis

Aug 3, 2017
Postville's recovery has been slow after hundreds of workers were arrested and virtually disappeared over night.
Signs are displayed in Postville in 2009, a year after an immigration raid crippled a meat processing plant. “It cratered the Northeast Iowa economy,” says Aaron Goldsmith, a local business owner.

Trump backs immigration plan favoring skills over family ties

Aug 3, 2017
President Donald Trump is getting behind a legislative proposal that would dramatically scale back legal immigration to the U.S. According to projection models cited by the bill’s sponsors, Republican Sens. David Perdue of Georgia and Tom Cotton of Arkansas, immigration would be slashed 41 percent in the first year. The plan would prioritize merit and […]

Wells Fargo scandals could mean sweeping consequences

Aug 1, 2017
First, there was a scandal over millions of fake Wells Fargo accounts that broke last year. Then, accusations of changes to mortgages without notifying customers. Now, Wells Fargo faces a class-action lawsuit over selling car insurance policies to hundreds of thousands of customers who did not need it from 2012 to 2017. All this could […]

Banks suffer as commodities trading hits a rocky patch

Jul 25, 2017
Commodity trading — often a big money maker for banks and hedge funds — has been subdued in recent months, leading to significant drops in revenue. Goldman Sachs recently said its commodity trading unit had the worst quarter on record, and other banks are in a similar situation. The reasons behind the slump? Lack of volatility and […]

The agriculture industry urges caution on the NAFTA renegotiation

Jul 17, 2017
The Trump Administration released its objectives for renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, our trade deal with Mexico and Canada. President Trump has called NAFTA the worst trade deal ever, citing factory jobs that moved to Mexico. The Trump Administration wants to “maintain existing reciprocal duty-free market access for agricultural goods” and […]

Some transportation workers are told to do their sleeping at home

Jul 14, 2017
The new head of the railroad CSX has called a timeout on naps. For the past 20 years or so, the railway allowed naps under limited circumstances. Now CSX is implementing an approach meant to reduce train delays. So a few months ago, it told engineers and conductors snoozing is now off limits. The move […]