Christopher Werth
Latest Stories (242)
EU at a crossroads: Restrict borders or keep them open?
Jun 24, 2011
Leaders from the EU are meeting to discuss border controls within Europe.
Vaccine conference seeks funds
Jun 13, 2011
Representatives from the developing world, drug makers and countries have gathered in London today to pledge money to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, or the GAVI Alliance -- an organization that helps provide vaccines to children in poor countries.
Tracking consumers' eyeballs to find out how they shop
Jun 3, 2011
Consumer products makers spend billions to find out what sells and why. Now, technology allows companies to see exactly what catches the eye.
FIFA chairman re-elected but controversy persists
Jun 1, 2011
Sepp Blatter today was re-elected to lead the world soccer body, but allegations of bribery and corruption still tarnish FIFA's reputation.
Sports organizations try to tackle match fixing
Jun 1, 2011
Big sports organizations like the IOC, FIFA, and UEFA are grappling with how to tackle corruption as it becomes more widespread.
Financial woes don't stop annual Cheese Rolling festival
May 30, 2011
In Gloucestershire, England, renegade cheese rollers hold an unofficial version of the age-old race that involves hurling yourself down a 600-foot hill after a block of cheese
EU considers possible Greek debt restructuring
May 17, 2011
European finance ministers are considering "reprofiling" Greece's debt. The soft-restructuring could help the struggling country repay its debt and avoid defaulting on loans.
IMF head expected to be arraigned
May 16, 2011
International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn is expected to be arraigned in New York this morning on charges that he sexually assaulted a maid over the weekend. What will that mean for bailout negotiations in Europe?
In the U.K., Big Brother has a driver's license
May 10, 2011
A growing fleet of surveillance cars are plying the streets of London and other British cities looking for scofflaws. But a group of citizens on motorcycles is looking to thwart them.
Small French town attracts apocalypse-watchers
May 9, 2011
New age belief groups are flocking to Bugarach, France, convinced the small town will be an important site if the apocalypse arrives in 2012. The town, on the other hand, isn't welcoming the attention.