Dan Gorenstein

Senior Reporter


Dan Gorenstein is the former senior reporter for Marketplace’s Health Desk, covering the business of healthcare.

Prior to Marketplace, Dan spent more than 11 years at New Hampshire Public Radio. He got his start in journalism at the Chicago Reporter, an investigative journal that examines race and class disparities in the Chicago area. He’s won numerous national and local awards, including the Society of Professional Journalist Sigma Delta Chi investigative reporting award.

Latest Stories (640)

The challenge in pairing the sick with social services

Jun 23, 2015
In this corner of healthcare, it’s not one size fits all. It’s one size fits one.

The new math in healthcare: make money by saving money

Jun 22, 2015
The idea: lower medical costs a lot by spending a little more on social services.

Insurers grapple with keeping premiums stable

Jun 2, 2015
To keep prices even, businesses must be good at managing costs.

Insuring governments against disease outbreaks

May 22, 2015
The idea is to help protect against the costs of pandemics.

Why the conventional wisdom on hospice care was wrong

May 6, 2015
Some patients are spending years there, and spending more in the process.

Why health coverage alone won't solve addiction

May 5, 2015
Addiction treatment programs lack the ability to meet the vision of the ACA.

The essential role of surgery

Apr 27, 2015
A lack of adequate surgical care resulted in a nearly 17 million deaths in 2010.

Why health stocks are doing so well

Apr 20, 2015
More people are insured, and biotechs are doing well, too.

Tapping Watson's computing power for health

Apr 14, 2015
Apple, IBM, Medtronic and Johnson & Johnson are partnering up.

Tallying the return investments in medical records

Apr 13, 2015
The feds say they aren't getting their money's worth.