Dan Gorenstein is the former senior reporter for Marketplace’s Health Desk, covering the business of healthcare.
Prior to Marketplace, Dan spent more than 11 years at New Hampshire Public Radio. He got his start in journalism at the Chicago Reporter, an investigative journal that examines race and class disparities in the Chicago area. He’s won numerous national and local awards, including the Society of Professional Journalist Sigma Delta Chi investigative reporting award.
Latest Stories (640)
Medicaid's new patients: healthier, and maybe cheaper
May 9, 2014
It may be less expensive for states to expand Medicaid than previously estimated.
Size does matter for FedEx
Dan Gorenstein
and Shea Huffman
May 8, 2014
FedEx is changing its large item shipping rates. Will that change your orders?
What would you ask about Obamacare?
May 8, 2014
What would people in the health care business want to ask Sylvia Burwell?
How LinkedIn is trying to stay afloat
May 1, 2014
Some of LinkedIn's money comes from corporate recruiters and member fees.
State exchanges going into year two, but slowly
Apr 25, 2014
Oregon waves the white flag and turns its exchange over to the feds, because fixing it would be just too expensive.
Doctors can learn a lot from dentists
Apr 25, 2014
A report says dentists see more Medicaid patients without increasing wait times for existing patients.
Using data to treat the sickest and most expensive patients
Apr 24, 2014
"Super-utilizers" are one of the most pressing healthcare policy questions. And there is a striking lack of research.
Digging into the 8 million ACA signups
Apr 17, 2014
Of those who signed up, 28 percent are ages 18-34, a demographic being closely watched by insurers.
In focus: A merged Comcast-Time Warner
Apr 9, 2014
Hearings scheduled for the proposed Time Warner- Comcast merger.