Gretchen Wilson

Latest Stories (125)

S. African candidate campaigns in U.S.

Dec 5, 2007
A leading candidate for president of South Africa is lobbying in the United States for business partnerships and investment. He's shaken off rape charges and corruption allegations but he's yet to make peace with the international business community. Gretchen Wilson reports.

South African miners to strike for safety

Nov 30, 2007
A quarter of a million miners are set to walk off the job in South Africa on Tuesday to call attention to unsafe working conditions. Mining has been part of the country's fabric for more than a century, but little attention has been paid to the human costs. Gretchen Wilson reports.

World Cup lottery has a large draw

Nov 23, 2007
Over 3,000 people will be in Durban, South Africa this weekend to witness the preliminary draw for the next men's soccer World Cup. Gretchen Wilson reports TV networks will spend billions to broadcast the lottery.

Sustaining business growth in Africa

Nov 19, 2007
Sub-Saharan economies have been growing between 5-7 percent a year, benefits which the IMF and World Bank believe will have a lingering effect. Gretchen Wilson reports how a focus on business can help.

Global reach of U.S. subprime slump

Nov 16, 2007
The ripple effects of the American subprime crisis is the big topic at the G-20 economic summit in South Africa, but no one's sure just yet how it might affect global markets. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Africa's resources get global attention

Nov 15, 2007
Finance leaders from industrialized and major emerging economies are converging on Cape Town, South Africa for meetings of the Group of Twenty, or G-20. Gretchen Wilson reports that Africa is getting more notice thanks to a strain on global resources.

South Africa's gold market is glistening

Nov 8, 2007
Gold is close to being at an all-time -- which is good news for South Africa, the world's leading gold producer. Gretchen Wilson looks into what's making gold a popular investment right now.

Connecting Africans to Web potential

Oct 29, 2007
There are nearly a billion people on the continent of Africa, and only 4 percent of the population has Internet access. But some companies connect web access with new market potential and job creation. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Potential for disaster in urban slums

Oct 25, 2007
Urban areas in lower and middle-income countries are growing fast, and the conditions of the slums are enough to call for humanitarian efforts. Gretchen Wilson gives us the story from one such area in Johannesburg.

Zimbabwe's shelves are bare

Oct 24, 2007
It's almost impossible to find staples like bread or rice in Zimbabwe. With inflation officially at 6,000%, supermarkets have stopped stocking shelves. And that's forcing people to travel hundreds of miles and across the border to buy groceries. Gretchen Wilson reports.