Janne K. Flisrand

Latest Stories (36)

Bizarre ad: greenwash, or just a guy in a bear suit?

Oct 28, 2008
I'd skipped this article when skimming Slate today, but directed toward it, I watched the HSBC ad on YouTube with the same puzzlement that both the...

Portland, OR tops 2008 eco-friendly city rankings

Sep 25, 2008
(Image courtesy of SustainLane) I love the annual SustainLane City Rankings, and the 2008 results came out this week, with Portland, OR at the t...

RNC: View from the bike lane (Part I)

Sep 2, 2008
Yesterday, I devoted my day to checking out what the RNC means for the Twin Cities. As an admitted urban cycling fan, I wanted to look out over...

"Up to 70% recycled content"

Jul 24, 2008
Thanks to Corporate Climate Response News, I learned that the FTC is still on the trail of greenwashing, and heard about a stellar example of...

Green homes - speedy sales in a slow market?

Mar 12, 2008
For a year, I've been trying to convince Minnesota's affordable home builders concerned about a slowing market what Greg Pinn, a San Jose home...

Climate-friendly investing... with nuclear?

Mar 2, 2008
As I've been trying to be green in my investments (and mostly failing), this morning's Marketplace Money story by Sarah Gardner felt very familiar....