Jeff Horwich



Jeff Horwich is the interim host of Marketplace Morning Report and a sometime-Marketplace reporter. He is the former host of "In The Loop" from Minnesota Public Radio and a former business and economics correspondent for MPR. He is a graduate of Duke University and has a Master's in applied economics from the University of Minnesota.

Latest Stories (451)

Short sales blamed for market fears

Aug 12, 2011
Several European countries have banned short selling because they say the practice encourages groups of investors to create and spread bad gossip

Fear of France driving global markets

Aug 11, 2011
Reports of possible bank runs and even an Asian bank cutting off lending to French financial institutions are driving European markets lower this morning. Marketplace's Jeff Horwich explains what that means for Americans and for Wall Street.

Global markets and the U.S. -- attached at the hip?

Aug 11, 2011
Global markets do work together, but as Marketplace's Jeff Horwich reports, conventional wisdom holds that the U.S., by sheer size, tends to lead the way

Fed announcement implies economic slow growth until 2013

Aug 10, 2011
Interest rates for banks that borrow from the Fed will remain near zero percent for the next two years. But keeping rates that low for that long is unprecedented and making such a bold statement carries risk.

Plan would turn foreclosures into rentals

Aug 10, 2011
The Federal Housing Administration today will ask the public for ideas to help clear out the nation's stock of foreclosed homes. One idea gaining steam is to get foreclosed properties off the market by renting them out.

Economy needs more than 'cautious optimism'

Aug 9, 2011
The Federal Reserve bank is scheduled to meet this morning. One thing the Fed could do is a third round of quantitative easing -- but analysts say not to expect any major policy moves this afternoon.

How the downgrade affects the national mindset

Aug 8, 2011
The downgrade to U.S. debt means the American ego will take a hit, and consumer spending relies heavily on how we all feel about the economic outlook

Will the U.S. ever get its AAA rating back?

Aug 8, 2011
It will take a few years, and a whole lot of economic impacts, before we return to top-notch status

Economic indicators are good...and bad

Aug 3, 2011
Are we spending or saving? What's behind the growth in auto sales? Are U.S. companies hiring or firing? Yes, depending on your perspective.

Weak economy overshadows debt deal

Aug 1, 2011
The threat of default may have been averted, but the U.S. economy is sputtering, and the debt deal's spending cuts could hurt the recovery