Jeff Horwich



Jeff Horwich is the interim host of Marketplace Morning Report and a sometime-Marketplace reporter. He is the former host of "In The Loop" from Minnesota Public Radio and a former business and economics correspondent for MPR. He is a graduate of Duke University and has a Master's in applied economics from the University of Minnesota.

Latest Stories (451)

U.S. home prices: Watch out below

May 31, 2011
U.S. home prices fell 5 percent annually in the first quarter, erasing gains after the recession and putting more pressure on homeowners and the economy.

Disaster aid gets caught up in deficit debate

May 27, 2011
Is tornado damage worthy of emergency aid? Some Republicans say federal disaster aid should be offset by other budget cuts to curb the deficit.

Oprah signs off after 25-year TV run

May 24, 2011
Oprah's television finale has prompted a tidal wave of media attention and advertising. But her departure leaves a big void for marketers.

Farmland defies the real estate doldrums

May 24, 2011
The price of farmland keeps rising along with global food demand. Is this a sign of a new type of real estate bubble?

More companies hiring interns

May 20, 2011
College students with internships are settling into their summer gigs. But thanks in part to the Great Recession, summer internships have become more like three-month job interviews.

Ford adapts dashboard to monitor driver health

May 19, 2011
Ford unveils prototypes for using infotainment system in cars to alert diabetic drivers to low sugar levels and track pollen for allergy sufferers.

Trust all my company's data to Google? Well, don't mind if I d... Oh, wait.

May 13, 2011
Here's an update related to our show from this morning: We told you about Google's upcoming release of the Chromebook. It's a computer that...

Crazy Swiss jetpack man takes on Grand Canyon, and wins

May 13, 2011
Oh, Jetman (or "Fusionman," which you prefer to be called, but which just seems like a bit much and a kind of off-the-point): We're so glad the FAA...

E-smoking goes social

May 11, 2011
Sure, smoking is great because of the nicotine vibe and the general aura of knowing you are one of the cool people (kids: NO! That is not true!)....