Jing Zhao
Latest Stories (4)
Creative, but feasible steps towards sustainable prosperity
Jing Zhao
Apr 4, 2012
The Worldwatch Institute provides some ideas on how to attain sustainable prosperity.
Is America a winner in the global value chain?
Jing Zhao
Mar 21, 2012
Export and import statistics only tell part of the international trade story.
'Gray' Americans: Not a crisis, but economic growth driver
Jing Zhao
Feb 14, 2012
Many people view America's aging population as a crisis, but some say the elderly can be an economic growth driver.
Economists: RMB internationalization good for U.S., global economy
Jing Zhao
Feb 7, 2012
Many fear that China's RMB is going to overtake the U.S. dollar as the world's most important currency. But some say the U.S. should encourage China to progress with the RMB internationalization.