Melissa Kaplan

Latest Stories (171)

South fumes over continued gas shortage

Sep 30, 2008
Southerners continue to wait in lines up to a half hour long to fill up their tanks as a gas shortage continues in Georgia, North Carolina and...

Maybe $10 million will help you lighten up

Sep 29, 2008
When it comes to creating new forms of lighting, the Department of Energy is passing the buck. For those savvy with light bulbs, the L Prize (or ...

GM to salaried workers: Why not retire now?

Aug 29, 2008
General Motors has been looking for ways to cut its workforce down for a long time. Now it's offering 9,000 salaried workers early retirement...

Profits in the airline industry!

Aug 26, 2008
The airlines are suffering across the board, but Virgin Atlantic is actually coming out ahead. The airline credits the "T5 Effect" for helping it...

Tropicana down one Indiana riverboat

Aug 25, 2008
Tropicana's Casino Aztar is up on the auction block after months in limbo. The Evansville, Ind. riverboat was set to sell to Reno, Nev., hotel and...

Wii have your technology

Aug 21, 2008
Motion sensor technology is one of the keys to Nintendo Wii's success, but the world's best-selling video game console could lose its title if its...

Treo has a new deal-o

Aug 20, 2008
Come on, admit it -- the iPhone's far from perfect. Given the slew of recent problems the technology has endured lately, it's no wonder the...

Vioxx clinical study influenced by marketing

Aug 19, 2008
The painkiller Vioxx, which was found to double the risk of heart attack and stroke, has been off the market for nearly four years. This morning, a...

Technology is the new retail therapy

Aug 18, 2008
Americans love technology, and the stats are proving it. Consumer electronic sales 4.8 in July, according to U.S. government estimates. The...

Ex-Apple lawyer settles backdating case

Aug 15, 2008
Steve Jobs has taken heat in the past for Apple's backdating scandal, but now former Apple lawyer Nancy Heinen is sharing that spotlight. Heinen...