Michelle Philippe

Production Office Coordinator, Marketplace


Michelle Philippe is the former production office coordinator for the entire Marketplace portfolio of programs. Along with keeping schedules on track for the vice president/general manager, Philippe also wrote and produced “Datebook” for Marketplace and can be heard providing history lessons on the Dinner Party Download.

Philippe joined Marketplace in 2000 and was honored to work with some ‘pretty cool people.’ Philippe attended The Evergreen State College where she earned her bachelor’s degree. A native of Seattle, Washingotn, Philippe currently resides in Los Angeles where she enjoys working on her writing, acting and improvisational skills, as well as her quest to grow the perfect tomato.

Latest Stories (90)

The year the big screen came to the little screen

Mar 18, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Do you wanna live forever?

Mar 17, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for Tuesday, March 18, 2014

That extra hour of daylight finally comes in handy

Mar 14, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for the week of March 17, 2014

I'll take math and science for $200

Mar 13, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for Friday, March 14, 2014

A 19th-century invention to keep your ears cozy

Mar 12, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for Thursday, March 13th

It's almost spring. Time to dig.

Mar 11, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Arm candy for her: The Ken doll

Mar 10, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Leave work early! It's daylight saving time

Mar 7, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for the week of March 10, 2014

Snakes not on a plane

Mar 6, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for Friday, March 7, 2014

Happy birthday to a very old cookie

Mar 5, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for Thursday, March 6th.