Molly Wood

Host and senior editor


Molly Wood is the former host and senior editor of "Marketplace Tech," a daily broadcast focused on demystifying the digital economy, and former co-host of "Make Me Smart," where she and co-host Kai Ryssdal would try to make sense of big topics in business, tech and culture.

What was your first job?

Grocery store checker (but I also drove an ice cream truck once).

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.

Time, the most precious thing of all.

What is something that everyone should own, no matter how much it costs?

A pet!

What’s the favorite item in your workspace and why?

My electric fireplace! It is both cute and cozy.


Latest Stories (2,747)

Making computer music more expressive

Sep 8, 2009
Scientists are working on a different kind of encoding that can make sound files 1,000 times smaller than mp3s, and may be more expressive.

Oxford dictionary studies Twitter

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The Oxford English Dictionary takes a closer look at the writing patterns on Twitter.

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What we can expect from the next Apple announcement.

Does the Singularity make sense?

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Part 2 of our interview with Patrick Tucker of The Futurist magazine about the merging of humans and machines.

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Futurist Ray Kurzweil believes advances in technology will make it possible for humans and machines to merge in this century.

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Part 2 of our conversation with Gary Wolf of Wired on what makes Craigslist popular -- and weird.

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Craigslist is a unique entity in and of itself.

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Snow Leopard to appear this week

Aug 25, 2009
Apple's latest operating system -- Snow Leopard -- is set to arrive in stores this week.