Paddy Hirsch

Senior Editor, Marketplace


Paddy Hirsch is a former Contributing Editor at Marketplace and the creator and former host of the Marketplace Whiteboard. 

Latest Stories (452)

Majority of execs expect business environment to deteriorate

Aug 12, 2011
Executives who think business conditions will worsen exceed those who are optimistic, as illustrated by The Economist's Daily Chart. In May, a...

Most Americans think worst is yet to come for economy

Aug 12, 2011
Americans' pessimism about the economy is at its highest this year, according to a McClatchy-Marist poll. Of adults surveyed, 68 percent said the...

The short end of the stick

Aug 12, 2011
The volatility in global markets has claimed is usual victim: the short seller....

Asia's up

Aug 12, 2011
Or most of it, at least. At noon in Hong Kong, both the Hang Seng and the Shanghai Composite were up more than one percent. The Nikkei was down...

Shooting the shorts (again)

Aug 12, 2011
You think the markets are going wild in the US? Things are so bad in Turkey, Greece and South Korea that regulators have curbed short sales....

Thornburg: The stock market is a drama queen

Aug 11, 2011
We wanted to know what you're thinking about all this market madness, but you're really hard to get on the phone!...

OK, markets are up. But whither the economy?

Aug 11, 2011
US stock markets ended sharply higher today, setting the stage for more arguments between bears and bulls....

Market mayhem in an economic standstill

Aug 11, 2011
Are we in another crisis? The debate over the debt ceiling, and the subsequent downgrade of America's credit rating have sent the equity and bond...

Bargain hunters drive stocks higher

Aug 11, 2011
Warren Buffett may not have led the charge, but he was in the thick of the crowd of investors taking advantage of low share prices today....

Gold is a sneaky little item

Aug 11, 2011
The price of gold fell more than two percent today, as investors piled into the stock market seeking buying opportunities....