Paddy Hirsch

Senior Editor, Marketplace


Paddy Hirsch is a former Contributing Editor at Marketplace and the creator and former host of the Marketplace Whiteboard. 

Latest Stories (452)

Your tax dollars at work (or not)

Oct 21, 2009
Reuters took this photo of a deserted Oklahoma City Mall that is now owned by you, the humble taxpayer. Actually, the Fed owns it, thanks to the...

Derivatives: An explanation

Oct 15, 2009
Credit default swaps? They're complicated -- and scary! The receipt you get when you pre-order your Thanksgiving turkey? Not so much. But they have a lot in common: They're both derivatives. Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains.
Whiteboard Derivatives

Explaining high-frequency trading

Aug 12, 2009
High-frequency trading is creating a ruckus on Wall Street. Marketplace Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains what high-frequency trading is and why some people are up in arms about it.
Paddy Hirsch explains high-frequency trading on his whiteboard

Hey, cupcake

Aug 8, 2009
Actress Aisha Tyler (24, CSI, Friends etc., etc.) joined us at the Marketplace Whiteboard yesterday. She came by because she wanted to discuss a...

It's a mystery

Aug 7, 2009
What does it mean? What's 8 11? Is that a date? Is that supposed to be 23 or 230? Is that an electrical socket or a smiley face? Or both? It's G...

What's sticking ... and what ain't

Aug 7, 2009
Our weekly podcast, After the Bell, is now available. Bob Moon's been looking back at this week's news, and he has the feeling that the government...

Hands off the shorts

Aug 7, 2009
Felix Salmon has a new rallying cry: three cheers for short-sellers. He argues that short sellers generally protect investors. No doubt Felix's ...

Talk o' the mornin'

Aug 7, 2009
A $1.8 billion profit at AIG. A $1.7 billion loss at Royal Bank of Scotland. The White House backs off the Fan and Fred "bad bank" idea. More job...


Aug 6, 2009
By now everyone in the known world is aware that Twitter had a two-hour outage this morning. Marketplace tweets, as does the Whiteboard, but when...