Paddy Hirsch

Senior Editor, Marketplace


Paddy Hirsch is a former Contributing Editor at Marketplace and the creator and former host of the Marketplace Whiteboard. 

Latest Stories (452)

My name is Tom Cranker

Apr 30, 2009
Fans of Woody Guthrie will doubtless be familiar with his classic, The Jolly Banker, which lampooned lenders more than 70 years ago. His words seem...

Thanks for that, Google

Apr 30, 2009
Marketplace Morning Report producer Rod Abid was searching for Web for information on the Committee of Chrysler Non-Tarp Lenders today. Here's what...


Apr 30, 2009
The Seattle PI reports Boeing's Vice President of Flight Test Operations Barbara Cosgrove began a presentation yesterday with this slide:...

Nardelli drinks the Kool-Aid

Apr 30, 2009
Nardelli just told Maria Bartiromo on CNBC that he, too, believes Chrysler could be out of bankruptcy within three to six months....

Cramdown bill dies in Senate

Apr 30, 2009
Tough luck if you're in danger of defaulting on your home loan. Senators rejected a bill today that would have allowed bankruptcy judges to cut...


Apr 30, 2009
Here's how John Carney over at Clusterstock sees the Chrysler bankruptcy proceeding....

Obama: Chrysler reorg won't take long

Apr 30, 2009
The president will make an announcement about the auto sector, and Chrysler in particular, at noon. A Bloomberg report quoted an unnamed official...

Morning reading

Apr 30, 2009
The news that Ken Lewis is out as Chairman of Bank of America has given the company's stock a lift in pre-market trading. Prepare to watch BAC take...

Ken canned

Apr 29, 2009
Ken Lewis that is. The Charlotte Observer reports that Lewis is out as Chairman of the Bank of America board, and Walter Massey is in. Lewis will...