Paddy Hirsch

Senior Editor, Marketplace


Paddy Hirsch is a former Contributing Editor at Marketplace and the creator and former host of the Marketplace Whiteboard. 

Latest Stories (452)

Chrysler hits the wall

Apr 29, 2009
President Obama will announce the bankruptcy of Chrysler Corp. tomorrow. This according to a variety of "sources said" stories circulating,...

Nearly there!

Apr 29, 2009
Lewis Ranieri says we're within "shouting distance" of the bottom of the housing market....

Pass the salt

Apr 29, 2009
The Fed apparently sees light at the end of the tunnel. That's the conclusion you'd draw from the headlines at least. Fed Sees Signs Recession...

Short back and sides

Apr 29, 2009
The debate over haircuts for debtholders has finally gone mainstream, thanks to David Leonhart over at the New York Times....

Many happy returns. Or not.

Apr 29, 2009
CNBC is still keeping an eye on America's favorite fraudster. Clusterstock wishes him Happy Birthday.

How much is that again?

Apr 29, 2009
If you've seen my Whiteboards, you'll know I'm a fan of anything that simplifies complex terms. I've been puzzling over the Obama administration's...

Hundred days

Apr 29, 2009
A lot of bits and bytes being expended on the first hundred days of the Obama adminstration this week. The BBC has a nice slideshow, the LA Times...

Live from Charlotte

Apr 29, 2009
Who says Twitter ain't cool? Rick Rothacker is tweeting (if I have that verb correct) from the Bank of America shareholders conference this morning...

Waiting for the Fed

Apr 29, 2009
Equity markets have started well, and consensus appears to be that investors are hoping for a sunny assessment of the state of the economy from the...