Raghu Manavalan

Former Producer


Raghu Manavalan is a former producer for Marketplace, where he created content for radio and digital platforms.

Raghu started his public radio career at The Moth storytelling show and podcast, where he still works as the LA-based assistant producer. He later worked as a freelance reporter and producer for local stations such as KPCC and KCRW, before joining Marketplace in 2013 to work in a variety of roles. Highlights of his career include reporting from the bleachers at Dodger Stadium, producing live coverage from the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, and creating a McDonald’s sales data chart out of stale French fries. He has been awarded a Golden Mike award and AP Mark Twain award for his reporting.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Raghu did not have to move very far to work at Marketplace’s downtown LA office. His ideal Sunday includes basketball and brunch.

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