Rico Gagliano
Latest Stories (153)
Casting change in SAG contract talks
Feb 3, 2009
The Screen Actor's Guild has been embroiled in a bit of drama lately. Actors have been working without a contract since June, members have been fighting with each other, and the guild's top negotiator was recently ousted. Rico Gagliano reports.
If it worked for Bernie, why not U.S.?
Jan 27, 2009
As a Senate committee looks into how regulators missed Bernard Madoff's investment scam, the Marketplace Players wonder if the senators are really interested in fixing what's broken.
A strong quarter for Netflix
Jan 26, 2009
Netflix profits are getting help from consumers willing to trade down a night at the movies for a rented flick at home. But Blockbuster may chip away at those earnings when it expands its digital business. Rico Gagliano reports.
California risks credit downgrade
Jan 23, 2009
California lawmakers are threatening to downgrade the state's overall credit rating, which would have a lot of ramifications for state taxpayers. Rico Gagliano also explains why even out-of-state taxpayers should care.
Cities mull bailouts of car dealerships
Jan 21, 2009
Some cities that depend on sales taxes to fill their coffers are offering loans to help keep struggling car dealerships in business. Rico Gagliano reports.
Downturn could lead to baby bust
Jan 1, 2009
Demographers are watching to see if there will be decline in the U.S. birth rate in 2009, what with the recession and all. Rico Gagliano looked into it.
What are over-the-counter stocks?
Dec 31, 2008
We've told you how credit default swaps caused trouble for the economy, which are tricky instruments traded in the over-the-counter, or OTC, market. In this Marketplace Decoder, Rico Gagliano explains.
Whatever it takes to move inventory
Dec 26, 2008
As retailers try to salvage dismal holiday sales, some are placing discount on top of discount in order to get products off the shelves. Rico Gagliano analyzes the big picture from a snowboard shop.
India's cheap car stirring up noise
Dec 24, 2008
When India's Tata Motors announced it was going to build the Nano -- the cheapest car in the world -- it was met with great fanfare. Now, Indians fear a wave of super-cheap cars could make the clogged streets even noisier. Rico Gagliano reports.
RIAA revises illegal-download fight
Dec 19, 2008
For years the Recording Industry Association of America has been suing netizens, accusing them of illegally sharing music files. But that era now seems to have met the fate of 8-tracks and cassettes. Rico Gagliano reports.