Tamara Keith

Latest Stories (58)

Social Security left without a boost

Aug 28, 2009
Social Security payments usually increase by a small amount each year to adjust for cost of living. But thanks to the recession, those living off the government-issued checks won't be seeing more dollar signs this year. Tamara Keith reports.

Supporters rally for health care reform

Aug 26, 2009
Democrats and others are kicking off a coordinated campaign in support of reforming the health care system. Tamara Keith reports.

Social Security payments to be frozen

Aug 24, 2009
Senior citizens and others who count on income from Social Security most likely won't get a cost-of-living adjustment in 2010 because the recession has put the brakes on inflation. But for many, the cost of living is still going up. Tamara Keith reports.

Deciphering the health-care debate

Aug 21, 2009
President Obama hasn't stopped talking about health-care reform, yet the public is more confused than ever. Tamara Keith reports.

Washington Nationals bank on pitcher

Aug 21, 2009
The Washington Nationals will soon introduce their new $15 million pitcher. Tamara Keith reports he could represent a fresh start for a struggling baseball team.

Seeking a clearer health care message

Aug 19, 2009
The health care debate has taken several twists and turns, from discussions about covering the nation's uninsured to fights over its costs and screaming matches at town hall meetings. Now President Obama's supporters are advising a return to basics. Tamara Keith reports.

Families hold back on school shopping

Aug 18, 2009
A new survey says the average family still has a lot of room in the backpack for items on their back-to-school shopping list. Tamara Keith reports.

If no public health care, is it reform?

Aug 17, 2009
The Obama administration is hinting it could drop its proposal for a government-run health plan that would compete with private insurers and force down the cost of premiums. But if that plan goes, is meaningful reform possible? Tamara Keith reports.

A shortage of sugar? Oh no!

Aug 13, 2009
Big names in the food industry are warning of dire consequences if the U.S. doesn't increase sugar import quotas. Tamara Keith reports.

Foreclosure problem mounting

Aug 13, 2009
New numbers from RealtyTrac show that 360,000 homeowners were at least 30 days behind on their house payments last month. Tamara Keith reports.