Tom Burridge

Latest Stories (12)

Spain's skilled and affordable workers may turn the tide

Feb 5, 2014
Spain is still suffering from an economic crisis that has left 26 million people unemployed.

How to sharpen a knife: A disappearing job

Jan 15, 2014
Knife sharpeners say they are still on the cutting edge, but their market is nearly obsolete.

Spain's banks to suspend foreclosures for the needy

Nov 16, 2012
The Spanish government is suspending foreclosures for the neediest homeowners just a week after a woman there committed suicide when officials arrived at her apartment to seize it.

Spain avoids government bailout with bank rescue

Jun 11, 2012
Wounded banks in Spain will now be able to draw up to $125 billion in money from the EU. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy credited government reforms with limiting the scope of the financial crisis to the banking system.

Uncertainty lingers in Spain after bond auction

Jun 7, 2012
Spain raised $2.6 billion in a bond sale this morning, but the higher interest rate of 6.1 percent shows that investors are still concerned that Spain has not wiped their hands clean of the financial mess just yet.

Solutions for Spanish banking crisis dwindle

May 31, 2012
Spain's Deputy Prime Minister, Soraya Saenz, will head to Washington to discuss ways to resolve the Spanish banking crisis with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

Argentina moves to nationalize its largest oil company

Apr 17, 2012
Spanish oil giant Repsol currently controls Argentina's largest national oil company, but perhaps not for long.

Small town in Spain considers growing marijuana

Apr 11, 2012
Over 50 percent of a small village in northern Spain has voted in favor of a plan to allow marijuana to be grown there. The aim is to generate money for the village to help wipe out its debt. However it's still unclear if the idea will go ahead.

Youth unemployment in Europe at dangerous levels

Apr 6, 2012
While the U.S. continues to see optimistic job gains, the situation in Europe is not looking so hopeful. The worst affected group by far are the young.