Tracey Samuelson


Tracey Samuelson is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

What was your first job?

Working in a bread store at the peak of the anti-carb movement.

What do you think is the hardest part of your job that no one knows?

Cramming all the interesting information I find reporting into a few minutes.

In your next life, what would your career be?

ER doctor.

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.

Lots of stuff from Amazon.

What’s your most memorable Marketplace moment?

That time I went to Hawaii ... on assignment.

Latest Stories (475)

How can workers fight wage stagnation? Be willing to switch jobs

Jul 25, 2018
One economist shares his theory about why wages might not be growing: companies are just too powerful right now.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Why the auto industry (mostly) opposes proposed tariffs

Jul 19, 2018
Even so-called "domestic" carmakers are global companies with international supply chains.
Volkswagen Golfs hang on the assembly line at the company's factory in Wolfsburg, Germany, in March.
Alexander Koerner/Getty Images

U.S. risks isolation as other countries sign trade pacts

Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday in Tokyo, the European Union and Japan inked a fresh trade pact that will eliminate most of the tariffs between them. The EU has been a busy bee on the trade front. It recently agreed to a new deal with Mexico, and a new one with Canada is now up and running. It’s in […]

As Trump prepares for NATO summit, we ask: What’s our NATO ROI?

Jul 9, 2018
President Donald Trump frequently complains about NATO. Just this morning he was tweeting about how NATO allies aren’t spending enough; that the U.S. pays an unfair share. It’s true that NATO members are supposed to spend 2 percent of their GDP on their military. It’s also true that only about eight of NATO’s 29 members […]

What Mexico’s recent election means for NAFTA

Jul 2, 2018
Mexico has elected a new president. Andrés Manuel López Obrador … often referred to by his initials …. AMLO…won easily in yesterday’s ballot, getting more than half the vote. And for the first time since 1997, Mexico’s presidential party will also control both Houses in Congress. López Obrador is a long-time leftist, a populist, who […]

Here’s why foreign companies are investing less in the U.S.

Jun 28, 2018
In Wisconsin today, President Donald Trump did a thing politicians like to do sometimes. Shovel in hand, he touted a big investment in the U.S. and the jobs it’s supposed to create. The shovel was gold-toned, and the investment: a $10 billion LCD display plant for the electronics manufacturer Foxconn. Thing is, foreign direct investment […]

With NBA picks, data can only take you so far

Jun 20, 2018
The NBA draft takes place tomorrow in Brooklyn, when teams make big bets on young players, hoping they might been the next LeBron James or Steph Curry, that once-in-a-generation player who can transform a team’s fortunes. But these players are notoriously risky investments. Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

Could mounting trade tensions harm U.S. services to China?

Jun 19, 2018
President Donald Trump is threatening to impose tariffs on a further $200 billion worth of Chinese products, up from the $50 billion already in the works. That’s a big escalation. If he follows through, nearly half of all imported goods from China could be subject to a tariff. But there’s another side of trade we […]

What's a trade war and are we in one?

Jun 18, 2018
The definition is squishy, but most economists would probably agree we're not there yet.
A worker repairs shipping containers at the Port of Dalian in Liaoning Province, China, in 2013.
Feng Li/Getty Images