From This Collection

Sequester could push some renters out of Section 8 housing

Apr 16, 2013
Sequestration has left housing authorities with a stark choice: Raise rents, or eliminate some Section 8 vouchers altogether.

Sequester hits government contractors unevenly

Apr 2, 2013
Some government contractors take cuts in stride, others struggle.

Wait, wasn't the sequester going to crater the economy?

Apr 1, 2013
One month to the day after the sequester supposedly kicked in, the housing market and stock market are driving an economic recovery.

Sequester may slow federal court proceedings

Mar 27, 2013
The public lawyers who defend the nation's poor in federal court worry sequester cuts could slow the wheels of justice.
The public lawyers who defend the nation's poor in federal court worry sequester cuts could slow the wheels of justice.
Bruno Vincent/Getty Images

Military tuition cuts: A tangible sequester impact

Mar 11, 2013
The U.S. Army is freezing all new applications for its tuition assistance program because of the sequester. As David Gura reports, the elimination of the much relied-upon program is among the first tangible repercussions of the automatic budget cuts.

Sequester will seriously damage job growth: Obama economic adviser

Mar 8, 2013
Alan Krueger, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, breaks down the latest jobs report and shares his thoughts on the sequestration.

The sequester vs. the jobs recovery

Mar 8, 2013
The Labor Department's jobs report for February is expected to be decent: Signs are that the labor market continues to improve. Aren't the sequester's budget cuts going to have any effect?

For public good, not for profit.

Next up on the sequester tarmac? Corporate jets

Mar 6, 2013
The Federal Aviation Administration has identified dozens of airfields that could be closed, many of which are regularly used by business travelers and executives.

Sequester steal: Will IRS budget cuts tempt tax cheats?

Mar 5, 2013
The sequester could force the IRS to furlough workers, including those who investigate tax fraud. Just to be safe, the IRS hopes to delay any furloughs until after tax season.

Sequester a 'bipartisan failure', says Virginia's Governor

Mar 5, 2013
Virginia's Republican Governor, Bob McDonnell, says he supports federal spending cuts, including to defense spending, but that the sequester isn't balanced.