From This Collection

Heading to the Big Easy

Jan 19, 2011
Question: Tess and Co. First, I really enjoy listening to you and all of the APM shows. You do such a great job! The style is so uniform but unique...

When to trust a living trust

Jan 18, 2011
Question: What is a good way to get information on the pros and cons of making a living trust? Sam, St. Louis, MO...

Doing well by doing good

Jan 14, 2011
Question: I am 25 years old and have an entry-level job at a small advocacy nonprofit, making about $24,000 a year before taxes (excluding health...

Smart money gifts for kids

Jan 13, 2011
Question: My husband and I do not plan on having children, but want to put money into an investment for our nieces and nephews on a yearly basis as...

The narrowing of the Social Security do-over

Jan 12, 2011
Question: I will be 66 next month and plan to continue working until I am 70. I have been thinking of drawing social security and investing it in...

Fed up with my retirement plan

Jan 11, 2011
Question: Can I withdraw my 403 B funds before 59 1/2 years of age? I no longer want to participate. Can I close this account and withdraw my funds...

Save more than you think

Jan 10, 2011
Question: Help! I am a 31-year old school administrator in a committed relationship, no kids yet....

For public good, not for profit.

Merge finances now--or later

Jan 7, 2011
Question: I respect the questions/answers related to finding out about any debt your future spouse has prior to marriage, doing a credit report,...

The benefits of mental accounting

Jan 6, 2011
Question: I received a $1,200 refund from my mortgage company due to excess funds in my escrow account, which I paid into over the last year. My...

Catching up on retirement contributions

Jan 5, 2011
Question: I am retiring from state government (next Wednesday) at the age of 54. I have a good pension, a 401k, and a small 457. I plan to work...