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Tech News In Brief - 5/21/10
John Moe
May 21, 2010
Facebook and MySpace send user data to advertisersMore countries are mad at GoogleiPads - not available in stores!Yahoo + Nokia = BFF. Or at least...
Tech News In Brief - 5/20/10
John Moe
May 20, 2010
Confusing app now available for all to get confused by!New Video standard - (where are the geeks in the house. holla.)Apple selling more iPads than...
In case you'd like to work from home
May 19, 2010
Anna Weggel is a producer on our Public Insight team. She whomped up this blog post:...
Our whole world will be a series of games
John Moe
May 19, 2010
We're talking to Jesse Schell on tomorrow's show. Here's a video of a speech he gave not that long ago. It's about what he thinks your future will...
Half of all games will be 3D by 2012, claims Ubisoft
John Moe
May 19, 2010
The game manufacturer made this rather bold prediction during an investors call. Before we dismiss this as nonsense, know that Nintendo is coming...
Tech News In Brief - 5/19/10
John Moe
May 19, 2010
Broader NooksIronic ThievesiPod with camera in Vietnam3D game explosion...
For public good, not for profit.
Honda's made a new way to walk
May 17, 2010
It's called the Bodyweight Support Assist. It helps take some of the weight off leg muscles and joints. ...
What should this be?
John Moe
May 17, 2010
Hi. John here. I've been thinking about this blog for our show. It's a new web site, a new blog. We made the blog to have another channel of...
Conficker - the only thing funny about it is the name
John Moe
May 17, 2010
Mark Bowden of The Atlantic has a pretty amazing article on the Conficker worm and how powerless we all are against it. From the lede:...