From This Collection

How working from home has changed 8 months into the pandemic

Nov 26, 2020
Workers have learned to negotiate faulty Wi-Fi, toddler potty breaks, and remote school.
Valentinrussanov via Getty Images
New benefits to help working parents are uneven.
Rose Conlon/Marketplace

Child care crisis could cost women $64.5 billion in lost wages

Oct 30, 2020
A new report quantifies the cost of women pulling back from work to care for kids during the pandemic.
OLI SCARFF/AFP via Getty Images

1 in 5 parents quit job or took leave to deal with remote school

Oct 23, 2020
Pulling back from work can put parents behind indefinitely on their career tracks.
The need to supervise kids at home has led to some parents dropping out of the work force.
Rose Conlon/Marketplace

Mothers overwhelmingly supervise remote learning, poll finds

Oct 15, 2020
It's the latest example of how the pandemic is exacerbating inequality.
Our poll found a stark gender disparity in who was responsible for supervising classes.
Rose Conlon/Marketplace

1 in 4 women are considering leaving the workforce, survey finds

Oct 2, 2020
Recent gains that women have made rising to senior management positions could be wiped out this year, the Lean In CEO says.
Brothers91/Getty Images

Want to start a "learning pod" at home? Check insurance and zoning laws

Sep 30, 2020
Homeowners policies may not cover the educational groups, and local law may prohibit them.
An instructor walks through a learning hub in Los Angeles for students from various schools and grades while in-person classes remains closed.
Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Home schooling gets "a flood of interest" during pandemic uncertainty

Sep 23, 2020
Some parents, fearing COVID-19 outbreaks at reopened schools, are opting out of the traditional education system.
John Moore/Getty Images

Child care providers weigh the costs and benefits of reopening

Sep 8, 2020
Texas allowed child care centers to open n May, but the high infection rates and hospitalizations of COVID-19 in Austin this summer made some wary of reopening.
Around 30% of child care centers in the state of Texas are closed and in danger of not being able to reopen, according a policy associate for Texans Care for Children.
Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

Parents grapple with back to school while working from home

Sep 3, 2020
They're managing their kids' remote learning while also trying to earn a living.
Millions of parents are at home with their kids during the school day while also trying to work a job.
Ethan Miller/Getty Images