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Storify: Doing the numbers on Facebook's IPO

Feb 1, 2012
Too busy to read the full prospectus from Facebook announcing its initial public offering? Here are the highlights - from it's $5 billion offer to Mark Zuckerberg's $1-a-year salary - via my Twitter feed.

What if car makers released 'beta' versions?

Dec 5, 2011
Companies who produce technology, from Apple to Google to Marketplace, rely on the "beta" release to get new products to market before they're bug free. But are we too liberal with the term?

A fellow disruptor, with research

Nov 22, 2011
Turns out most people know technology will disrupt their work and business, but few are ready to adapt

When the crowd disrupts the newsroom

Nov 18, 2011
Citizen journalists and their "community generated content" are hitting traditional newsrooms where it hurts, the payroll. CNN journalists become the latest victims of digital disruption.

For public good, not for profit.

Drupal meet world

Nov 7, 2011
Take an introductory tour of the new in a short screen-capture video and learn about its features and benefits

Generation #DigitalDisruptor

Nov 5, 2011
Over the past 30 years, digital technologies have up-ended all corners of business and industry, making some obsolete and inventing new ones all together. Here's the view from those of us who grew up digital.