From This Collection

Geithner, Paulson defend AIG actions

Jan 27, 2010
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and his predecessor Henry Paulson were grilled by a House panel about what happened with the AIG bailout in September 2008. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Consumers ending love affair with debt

Jan 22, 2010
Americans are spending less, saving more and finally striking a balance, so argues Marketplace's Chris Farrell, author of the new book, "The New Frugality: How to Consume Less, Save More, and Live Better."

The new breed of perma-renters

Jan 22, 2010
The down economy has spawned a new breed of financially mature specimens, the perma-renter. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Consumer protection agency's standing

Jan 22, 2010
Will the government follow through on its promise to create a consumer protection agency? Elizabeth Warren, professor of law at Harvard University and chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel, talks to Tess Vigeland about why she still has hope for the agency and what scrapping it could mean for consumers.

Obama seeks to limit banks' size, risk

Jan 21, 2010
President Obama is proposing new regulations that would restrict the size of banks and proprietary trading. Alisa Roth reports.

Goldman shareholders target bonuses

Jan 18, 2010
It's not just the public that's bristling at reports of giant payouts to bank executives. Some of Goldman Sach's own shareholders are raising objections. Amy Scott reports.

HuffPo's 'Move Your Money' campaign

Jan 15, 2010
Arianna Huffington, co-founder of the Huffington Post Web site, explains why she has called upon her readers to abandon the big banks and give smaller, community banks a try.

For public good, not for profit.

Consumer groups fret over Dodd plan

Jan 15, 2010
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd may scrap plans for the Consumer Protection Agency. Instead, existing federal agencies may be given powers to protect consumers. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Theater at financial inquiry hearing

Jan 13, 2010
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission has begun its public hearings. Kai Ryssdal reviews what happened as the commission questioned the heads of four big Wall Street banks.

Chicago School of economics post-crisis

Jan 7, 2010
Writer John Cassidy talks with Kai Ryssdal about the article he wrote for The New Yorker, which discusses the decline and fall of the Chicago School of economics after the financial crisis.