From This Collection

Citigroup's shares take a big hit

Dec 17, 2009
Citigroup's stock price dropped to it lowest level in four months after investors said they weren't excited about the bank's stock and the government said it'd wait to sell holdings. So what happened? Alisa Roth reports.

Do we benefit from Citi's tax break?

Dec 16, 2009
The IRS has extended favorable tax treatment worth billions to struggling banks like Citigroup that benefited from government bailout money. But what does that mean for people who bankrolled the bailout? John Dimsdale reports.

Days of plain, boring banking are over

Dec 14, 2009
Why is so much of what happens in the economy still tied up with Wall Street's banks? Douglas Elliott of the Brookings Institution talks with Kai Ryssdal about when that might change.

House debates financial regulation bill

Dec 10, 2009
Fifteen months after Lehman Brothers collapsed there are still no new rules for the financial industry. But the bill for new regulations is finally on the House floor. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Does TARP really need an extension?

Dec 9, 2009
The Obama administration will extend TARP until October 2010. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says the money is needed in case financial conditions worsen. Does he know something we don't? Amy Scott reports.

Why credit remains tight for borrowers

Dec 8, 2009
Billions of dollars have been poured into the financial system to get credit flowing again. But that hasn't exactly happened. Amy Scott reports.

Will Obama's incentives help small biz?

Dec 8, 2009
President Obama is hoping to get small businesses hiring again through tax breaks and help with loans. But is this what small-business owners want or need? Mitchell Hartman reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Local banks hold onto taxpayer money

Dec 7, 2009
With all this talk of redirecting the bank-bailout program, plenty of regional banks aren't ready to pay that money back. Amy Scott reports.

Bailout funds may be used for stimulus

Dec 7, 2009
Instead of the $240 billion taxpayers were expected to lose from the bank bailout, Fed chief Bernanke says it will only be $40 billion. That leaves $200 billion to help pay down the federal budget deficit, right? Maybe not. John Dimsdale reports.

Where's Citigroup with gov't repay?

Dec 4, 2009
Bank of America says it raised more than $19 billion to pay back the taxpayers' bailout money. What about Citigroup? Amy Scott reports.