From This Collection

How B of A made quick fix from bailout

Dec 3, 2009
Bank of America says it's finally able to pay back the $45 billion bailout it got from taxpayers last fall. Seeing as how it wasn't all that long ago that the company was on the ropes, we asked reporter Steve Henn to explain the turnaround.

What B of A's repay says about banking

Dec 3, 2009
Bank of America has reached a deal to pay back $45 billion in bailout money. New York bureau chief Amy Scott talks with Steve Chiotakis about what the terms of the deal are.

Surprise supporters for pay regulation

Nov 27, 2009
The public comment period on proposed rules by the Federal Reserve to crack down on executive pay is over. What would the regulations do? John Dimsdale reports.

Did Geithner do right by AIG?

Nov 17, 2009
A report from the TARP Inspector General Neal Barofsky suggests we overpaid a good deal to rescue AIG. Senior editor Paddy Hirsch talks with Kai Ryssdal about Treasury Secretary Geithner's role in the bailout of AIG.

Bernanke tackles price stability, jobs

Nov 16, 2009
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke spoke and took questions at an event in New York, and offered a glimpse into our economic future. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Gov't loses criminal financial-crisis case

Nov 11, 2009
Two former Bear Stearns hedge-fund managers have been found not guilty of lying to investors. Reporter Nancy Marshall Genzer talks with Steve Chiotakis about what this means for prosecutors pursuing charges against other Wall Street execs.

FHA may need a bailout of its own

Nov 10, 2009
The next group in line for a government bailout could be a branch of the government itself. The Federal Housing Administration is said to be running out of money. Jeff Tyler reports on what a broke FHA would mean for the real-estate industry.

For public good, not for profit.

Dodd's reform bill offers safeguards

Nov 10, 2009
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd has released his 1,136-page reform bill. Among its many proposals are tighter rules on Wall Street and a unified banking regulator. Steve Henn reports.

Dow's ups and downs fuel fear, anxiety

Nov 10, 2009
The Dow has been on a hair-raising ride in the past week, with swings of a couple hundred points up or down. While the blue chips are up 50% from their lows in March, the volatility has made reporter Rico Gagliano anxious. He tells us why.

A high Texas Ratio is bad for banks

Nov 9, 2009
How can you tell how your bank is doing? One predictor is the so-called Texas Ratio. Alisa Roth reports.