From This Collection

Time to rally behind the stock market?

Oct 9, 2009
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has declared the recession over. Stock prices have climbed. Yet, many investors are still cautious. Tess Vigeland talks to Bob Frick of Kiplinger's Personal Finance about whether this is a stock market rally we can trust.

Bankers don't back consumer agency

Oct 9, 2009
President Obama is campaigning for the creation of a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency. But the banking industry doesn't think it's necessary. John Dimsdale reports.

A strong economic recovery? Really?

Oct 8, 2009
Economics correspondent Chris Farrell talks with Steve Chiotakis about why some analysts believe that once an economic recovery takes hold, it will be a strong one.

Could we have handled the truth?

Oct 5, 2009
A watchdog report on TARP says top officials weren't leveling with the public about the health of big banks when they pitched their bailout plan last year. But what would have been the alternative? Steve Henn reports.

Report: Officials fibbed on banks' health

Oct 5, 2009
An audit released by the watchdog overseeing the bank-bailout program says officials from the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve misled the public about the health of some banks. Tamara Keith reports.

A visit to the foreclosure circus

Oct 2, 2009
With help from the federal government, the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America is traveling the country to help people who desperately need to modify their mortgages. Jeff Tyler reports.

Progress report on consumer protection

Oct 2, 2009
Harvard Professor Elizabeth Warren talks about "plain vanilla" products and how the Obama administration is progressing toward its promise to create a Consumer Financial Protection Agency.

For public good, not for profit.

Elkhart ready to roll beyond RVs

Oct 2, 2009
In Elkhart, Ind., once a booming center for the RV industry, nearly one-fifth of the population is unemployed. But even though sales have ticked up recently, the town realizes it can't rely on RVs alone. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

IMF report: We may need more stimulus

Oct 1, 2009
A new IMF report suggests all the funds used by the U.S. and other countries to stimulate the global economy may not have been enough. Bob Moon reports.

Chamber fights consumer agency plan

Oct 1, 2009
The Obama administration wants to create an agency to protect consumers from dangerous financial products, but the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spending millions to attack the idea. Steve Henn reports.