Fallout: The Financial Crisis
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Workers spend stimulus cash on break
Tamara Keith
Sep 8, 2009
The first road project funded by the stimulus package is almost complete, and workers have been putting in overtime all summer. For some, that meant a vacation with healthy spending. Tamara Keith reports.
How folks are making do with less
Sep 4, 2009
The threat of losing your job isn't the only tough part of living in a recession. Salary cuts are also taking place left and right. Monica Brady-Myerov reports on how people are getting by with less money.
Please ignore the optimism machine
Sep 4, 2009
Experts say the worst of the economic crisis is over, and things are starting to pick up. But Economics Editor Chris Farrrell says don't be too quick to buy into the hype.
Benefit checks running out for many
Caitlan Reeg
Sep 4, 2009
It may take awhile for job numbers to improve, and those without a job already may soon be in more trouble. A new report says 400,000 people who have already lost their jobs could also lose their unemployment benefits by the end of September.
More capital may help banks in future
Sam Eaton
Sep 3, 2009
Many banks back from financial collapse are exploring ways to prevent future freefall. The Obama administration is proposing one measure that would require banks to maintain larger capital reserves. Sam Eaton reports.
Stimulus funds provide opportunities
Sep 2, 2009
Dustin Woodman and Russ Dickerson, employees of Coconino Rural Environment Corps, talk with Kai Ryssdal about how the stimulus package has helped their organization.
Cash-strapped Philly borrows money
Sep 2, 2009
Philadelphia will borrow $275 million in the form of an adjustable-rate loan from JPMorgan Chase to pay back vendors. Jeremy Hobson reports.
For public good, not for profit.
Bailout bank CEO salaries very healthy
Sep 2, 2009
Banks that pay off their bailout debt aren't bound by government-imposed salary caps. And one new study shows top officers of some bailed-out banks are being paid pretty well. John Dimsdale reports.
'Man in Van' on recession story odyssey
Sep 1, 2009
Aaron Heideman lost his job, moved into his van, and drove around the country collecting stories of how people were handling the recession. He's turned it into an art project and talks with Kai Ryssdal about his experiences.
Merkel, Sarkozy push for exec pay cap
Sep 1, 2009
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy are teaming up at the G-20 summit to pass measures restricting bank executives' bonuses. Stephen Beard reports.