Fallout: The Financial Crisis
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Central bankers mull recovery at retreat
Amy Scott
Aug 21, 2009
The world's central bankers are gathering in Wyoming to wrestle with the state of the global economy. New York bureau chief Amy Scott talks with Bill Radke about what Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke had to say at the retreat.
How Las Vegas went bust
Aug 20, 2009
Las Vegas was one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the nation. But when the housing bubble burst, so did its economy. Host Tess Vigeland talks with Joel Stein, who wrote about Sin City's troubles for Time magazine's cover story this week.
The Spanish (and others) are coming!
Jeff Tyler
Aug 20, 2009
Spain's second largest bank, BBVA, has reportedly won an auction for a Texas bank that was on the verge of collapse. Other foreign banks may be looking for bargains as well. Jeff Tyler reports.
Carmakers help dealers with 'clunkers'
Aug 20, 2009
With some auto dealers backing out of the Cash for Clunkers program because of slow reimbursements from the federal government, car companies are coming to their aid to keep sales going. John Dimsdale reports.
Interpreting dream of home ownership
Aug 19, 2009
The feeding of Americans' desire to own their own homes has been cited as a major cause of the current financial crisis. John Wasik, author "The Cul de Sac Syndrome," says there's a dark side to this part of the American Dream. He talks with Tess Vigeland.
FDIC looks to benefit from bank rescues
Aug 19, 2009
When the FDIC swooped in last week to facilitate the sale of failed Colonial BancGroup to BB&T, it pushed for something new called a "clawback." Karen Petrou of Federal Financial Analytics explains the new policy with Tess Vigeland.
Families hold back on school shopping
Tamara Keith
Aug 18, 2009
A new survey says the average family still has a lot of room in the backpack for items on their back-to-school shopping list. Tamara Keith reports.
For public good, not for profit.
Rural areas' hard times not in the stats
Aug 17, 2009
Nebraska has one of the nation's lowest unemployment rates at 5%. But numbers that may look good on paper don't always translate well in real life -- especially in real rural life. Sarah McCammon reports.
Motivated. Results-oriented. Jobless.
Aug 17, 2009
Last month's unemployment figures contained a ray of hope for recent college grads: their jobless rate of 4.7% was half of what people with only high school degrees experienced. Still, that's small comfort to commentator and new graduate Sarah Klenakis.
Stimulus could go to pay the rent
Aug 17, 2009
The Obama administration reportedly plans to push more than $4 billion into federally subsidized rental housing -- a major shift from the Bush administration's ownership society programs. The Boston Globe's Joe Williams explains to host Tess Vigeland.