Fallout: The Financial Crisis
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Lobbyists prepare for overhaul debate
Tamara Keith
Jun 18, 2009
Lawmakers and interest groups are readying themselves for a debate of Obama's financial overhaul plan. One item under scrutiny: a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Tamara Keith reports.
Why more engineers are losing jobs
Jun 17, 2009
Even in a recession, a lot of people think tech jobs are a safe bet. But American engineers are losing their jobs faster than any other professional sector. Janet Babin reports.
Slow recovery rate for many U.S. cities
Jun 17, 2009
A report from the Brookings Institution says that only about 10 of the top 100 cities in the U.S. show signs of economic health. The institution's Alan Berube talks with Kai Ryssdal about how the nation's cities are recovering.
Losses on Kinko's puts FedEx in red ink
Joel Rose
Jun 17, 2009
FedEx is reporting more than $800 million in losses for the most recent quarter due to slow manufacturing and gas prices. But the acquisition of Kinko's may also have something to do with it. Joel Rose reports.
New agency to protect consumers
Jun 17, 2009
Part of the financial system overhaul includes plans for the creation of a new agency, the CFPA, to protect consumers from predatory lenders that hide behind complex contracts and confusing sales pitches. Jeremy Hobson reports.
Federal Reserve to oversee risks
Amy Scott
Jun 17, 2009
The Obama administration's regulation plan would give the Federal Reserve powers to oversee any institution that could pose a risk. Amy Scott reports.
Obama issues financial regulation plan
Jun 17, 2009
After much speculation, the Obama administration has unveiled its plans to regulate the financial system. John Dimsdale reports what the Financial Regulatory Reform Plan entails.
For public good, not for profit.
Obama's financial fix moving forward
Jun 17, 2009
President Obama outlines his plans for fixing the financial system with a set of financial and banking regulations. Steve Chiotakis reviews the larger points of Obama's plan with Marketplace's Steve Henn.
It's a recession baby!
Tamara Keith
Jun 16, 2009
Recessions have a nasty way of messing with people's plans. But for some couples a bad economy is the perfect time for a little addition. Tamara Keith reports.
Why hedge funds are starting up again
Amy Scott
Jun 16, 2009
New hedge funds are opening all over the place. But with the average fund losing 20% last year and new regulations around the corner, why? Amy Scott reports.