From This Collection

BBC opposes sharing license fee

Jun 16, 2009
The British Broadcasting Corporation may be forced to share the revenue it makes from a license fee with commercial rivals. Stephen Beard reports the BBC will fight the plan.

Who's responsible for California now?

Jun 16, 2009
California is broke, and the federal government has rejected the Golden State's bid for a bailout. So, what happens next? Bob Moon reports.

Exploring what really broke B of A

Jun 16, 2009
A new Frontline documentary airing tonight tells the tale of Bank of America's rise to its ill-fated takeover of Merrill Lynch. Bill Radke gets the bigger picture from producer Mike Kirk of "Breaking the Bank."

Should we worry about inflation now?

Jun 16, 2009
Economists agree we're still in a recession, but with the federal government borrowing and spending billions of dollars, some say it's not too early to worry about inflation. Joel Rose reports why some experts are concerned.

Workers try to make most of furlough

Jun 16, 2009
The recession has made many companies force unpaid days off on their employees, also known as a furlough. Some companies are offering specials to forced furlough workers, but many just aren't in the mood. Sam Eaton reports.

One-third of U.S. factories sitting idle

Jun 16, 2009
A survey of economists projected that U.S. factory production was at 68 percent of capacity last month. That means roughly a third of all U.S. plants were sitting idle in May. Steve Henn looks for the bright side.

Foreign investors wary over U.S. deficit

Jun 15, 2009
Foreign investment in U.S. debt is on the decline. Bob Moon reports why this is a sign that the U.S. must control its growing deficit.

For public good, not for profit.

Idled ships wait out economic trough

Jun 15, 2009
People who live alongside a hidden stretch of river in southwest England are getting used to some new landmarks. Their quiet backwater has become a parking garage for anchored cargo ships. Stephen Beard reports.

Has financial reform moment passed?

Jun 15, 2009
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and White House adviser Larry Summers have laid out plans for a financial overhaul, but some worry the moment has passed. Amy Scott reports.

Fed answers 'too big to fail' question

Jun 15, 2009
For more than a year, the feds have struggled to determine what regulators should do with banks deemed "too big too fail." President Obama is set to unveil a number of proposals today. Steve Henn reports.