From This Collection

Free-conomics: Economists go pro bono

Nov 28, 2012
Economists are a notoriously self-interested bunch. But one British outfit is giving away its services.

Save the earth, drive your car?

Nov 14, 2012
Adding lots of train and bus lines to car-congested roads would seem to be an environmental slam dunk. If only the math would cooperate.

Maximizing your Halloween candy haul

Oct 31, 2012
Freakonomics offers the hidden side to finding the best neighborhood near you to trick-or-treat.

The hidden side of U.S. economic growth: Is it over?

Oct 3, 2012
As President Obama and Mitt Romney practice their talking points and zingers on the American economy, Freakonomics reveals why we may never get big-time economic growth back.

The hidden side of poker

Sep 19, 2012
Poker is a game of skill, not luck. But that won't stop you from losing a lot of money. Freakonomics explores the hidden side of poker in the casino and online.

Can selling beer help college fans drink less?

Sep 4, 2012
A small group of popular college football teams are allowing beer sales inside their stadiums, saying the change acknowledges reality and may actually help them control problem drinking.

For public good, not for profit.

Can working from home increase productivity?

Aug 22, 2012
Our Freakonomics expert Stephen Dubner says there is evidence that working from home is better for you.

The dangers of summer fun

Aug 8, 2012
Some of America's favorite summertime activities may be fun, but they come with a lot of risks.

Does hosting the Olympics ever pay off?

Jul 25, 2012
Olympic host cities get a huge windfall of tax revenues and tourist dollars, right? Freakonomics looks at the effect the games really have on a host city.