From This Collection

Switch to rotary push lawnmowers.

Dec 6, 2010
Gas power mowers and blowers spew out 5% of our air pollution - some estimates are much higher in metro areas. Buy a rotary for in between cutting...

Use LED Holiday Lights.

Dec 6, 2010
LED lights consume 88% less energy, last years longer, and are marginally more expensive than incandescent mini lights. You'll recover your upfront...

Take a shower with a bucket.

Dec 6, 2010
Put a bucket in your shower to collect the water used to get hot water to the shower and the water you use while showering. If you take long...

No toilet paper.

Dec 6, 2010
Save your lightly used napkins and the paper towels used to dry your hands in public restrooms and use them for toilet paper by tearing them into...

Reuse the recyclable.

Dec 6, 2010
A lot of recyclable items -- those tan coffee filters, for instance -- can be used more than once (sometimes more than twice) before recycling them...

For public good, not for profit.

Find creative ways to save water.

Dec 6, 2010
Keep a large bowl in the sink and use the "gray water" from rinsing coffee or tea cup etc. for watering flowers. In new houses, make sure the...

Use the whole chicken - not just the parts!

Dec 6, 2010
Buy the inexpensive whole chicken. Roast in a clay cooker or other efficient container with a few cut onions, herbs and pepper...not too much salt....

Let your dog help you.

Dec 6, 2010
After each meal, I let my dog lick all our plates, bowls, pots and pans (after they have become cool enough). She does a great job of removing...