From This Collection

Grind your own coffee beans.

Dec 6, 2010
We have been grinding our coffee beans very fine, what I would call espresso fine. This makes our coffee beans last longer and I usually use a...

Just say no to fancy gift wrap.

Dec 6, 2010
Visit your local large format offset printer for large (28 x 40 or even bigger) sheets of excess paper. Or, carefully disassemble paper bags from...

Bake your own bread.

Dec 6, 2010
The bread machine has come a long way, baby. After some trial and error with a $50 machine I am now able to turn out some tasty loaves for about ...

See value instead of waste through ReUse.

Dec 6, 2010
It's important to see value when people are ready to throw things out. By seeing value at the back end of the material stream, you not only save...

Set your TV to "home" mode.

Dec 5, 2010
When setting up your new TV, be sure to pick the "home" mode setting. This setting may cut your power use by up to 25 percent compared to other...

Stick to ENERGY STAR TVs, and save cash.

Dec 5, 2010
EPA's ENERGY STAR program recently modified the way it measures the energy consumption in TVs, taking into account not just their standby power...

Make your school a no idle zone.

Dec 4, 2010
The fastest-and cheapest-way to cut down on air pollution is to prevent school buses and parents from idling in the pick-up and drop-off lanes....

For public good, not for profit.

Use paper products with post-consumer recycled content.

Dec 4, 2010
Recycling computer paper and printing double sided isn't the only thing that is important-it's also important to know where your school paper...

Encourage your school to start its own organic garden.

Dec 4, 2010
With school budgets disappearing faster than glaciers at the poles, schools are eager to cut costs-which makes a school-sponsored garden perfect....