From This Collection

Ever wonder who makes those big highway signs?

Sep 22, 2015
The people who do may never get a chance to actually see them in use.

How do casinos decide where to put slot machines?

Sep 8, 2015
They use the urinal theory, among other secrets.
Getty Creative

I've Always Wondered: 'The Travellin' Band'

Aug 31, 2015
How do bands decide which cities to play and which to pass on tour?

Do members of Congress take vacation time to campaign?

Aug 17, 2015
A listener wonders how the Senate's presidential candidates can work and run.

Why can’t adults order off the kids’ menu?

Jul 20, 2015
Big people with little appetites: you can't always get what you want.
Many restaurants prohibit adults from ordering items from the kid's menu.
C Y C L O P S/Flickr

Everything you ever wanted to know about recycling

Jul 6, 2015
Is it worth it? Environmentally, yes. Economically, sometimes. Cue the ballistic separator.

For public good, not for profit.

How much do TV theme songwriters earn?

Jun 22, 2015
Every time a show airs — ka-ching! — the composer gets paid.
Husband and wife duo Brett and Rennie Sparks make up the band The Handsome Family.
Jason Creps

Just how do national days get on the calendar?

Jun 1, 2015
It's Go Barefoot Day? Penpal Day? Say Something Nice Day? Who says?
Talk Like a Pirate Day is a national event celebrated on YouTube every September. 
Travel Aficionado/Flickr

Why do companies offer free stuff at the same cost?

May 22, 2015
Pepsi was among the first companies to try it.