From This Collection

Caltech's little engineers that could

Feb 12, 2015
Infants and toddlers learn engineering principles at university child-care center.

Quiz: Living close to the community

Feb 12, 2015
Less than 25 percent of community colleges provide on-campus housing, but the number of schools with dorms is growing.

Quiz: College completion gap widens

Feb 11, 2015
College completion rates for Americans with the highest family incomes have been rising, but the rates for lower families incomes have not changed.

One cost of starting high school later in the morning

Feb 11, 2015
Hitting the snooze button has its problems.

Adding up the costs of new Common Core tests

Feb 11, 2015
The extensive, expensive process of developing tests tied to Common Core standards.

British publisher cashes in on American education

Feb 10, 2015
Pearson makes money, even without results, off America's obsession with academics.

Quiz: The most popular freshman hobbies

Feb 10, 2015
The percentage of freshmen who reported socializing for than less than 5 hours a week reached an all-time high last year.

For public good, not for profit.

With Common Core testing, you get what you pay for

Feb 9, 2015
A look at economics of testing and new assessments tied to Common Core standards.

Quiz: Higher ed in the halls of Congress

Feb 5, 2015
The education industry spent more than $79 million lobbying the federal government last year, according to