From This Collection

When robots get creative

Mar 16, 2017
What happens when you let AI in the recording studio? Or the writers room? Or the kitchen?
A violin-playing robot, one in a series of humanoid robots from Toyota Partner Robot, is displayed at a robot event for children in Tokyo in 2015.

Video: "Squirrel!"

Mar 6, 2017
You may have noticed President Donald Trump tweeted this weekend. But try not to get distracted. We’re talking about that, a busy week for tech news and Kai’s leftover preferences on this week’s live video. Join us every Monday at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time on Facebook for our weekly editorial meeting. We like to hear what […]

For public good, not for profit.

Video: FCC Chairman Ajit Pai wants to change our privacy settings

Mar 3, 2017
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai intends to roll back rules that require internet providers get customer consent before selling their data. The EPA announced it will not need information about methane from oil and gas well operators. What that means and a whole lot more as we wrap up the Make Me Smart week.  Make sure to […]