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Marketplace Money is on hiatus this week

Sep 28, 2012
We're in San Diego working hard to bring you a special show set to air next week on the tough choices poor people have to make.

Making progress on household debt

Jun 25, 2012
The good news: Households are reducing debts. The bad news: There remains a considerable way to go.

Handguns and the economics of safety

Jun 22, 2012
Marketplace Money host Tess Vigeland heads to the shooting range to learn about the cost of gun ownership and home safety (and takes on a zombie while she's at it)

Charitable giving hangs on

Jun 20, 2012
Charitable giving adds up to 2 percent of real gross domestic product, down from a recent peak of 2.3 percent in 2001.

For public good, not for profit.

Global turmoil and retirement planning

Jun 13, 2012
What should investors -- especially those in their 50s and 60s -- do with their already diminished retirement savings?

The mobile Internet economy

May 31, 2012
The troubled Facebook IPO is casting a pall over high tech (wrongly, I think). The signal moment for the emergence of an even larger digital economy wasn't Facebook. It was Apple's iPad. It's the visible symbol of the rapid embrace of wireless data -- video, images, content, data and communication -- throughout the global economy. A safe forecast: The mobile Internet will transform personal finance.