From This Collection

Overdraft America

May 3, 2012
Bank overdraft rules are poorly understood, especially by two groups: the young and low-income consumers.

The tragic return of debtors' prison

Apr 18, 2012
Far too many poor people are living in the modern-day equivalent of debtors' prison without a chance of a fresh start. It's wrong -- a terrible state of affairs.

Financial innovation and social lending

Apr 16, 2012
Peer-to-peer lending, also called social lending, is bringing together online individual lenders and individual borrowers for a fee. They cut out banks and other mainstream lenders. The innovation appears to be working.

Learning about reverse mortgages

Apr 12, 2012
It's worth learning about reverse mortgages. The homeowner gets access to their home equity without moving.

Social Security and the job outlook

Apr 10, 2012
Social Security claims came down last year, an intriguing sign that older workers are feeling better about their job prospects.

For public good, not for profit.