From This Collection


Jun 29, 2009
I was doing research and I came on a talk given by Charles Munger, the long-time partner of Warren Buffett. I had read the speech given at the...

A lost decade?

Jun 25, 2009
Economist Paul Krugman's worries that when the U.S. economy emerges from recession the recovery will be reminiscent of Japan's "lost decade". The...

Missing Warren Buffett

Jun 21, 2009
Numerous scholarly studies have documented the relative poor performance of professional money managers compared to the market averages, such as...

Zweig on Bernstein

Jun 21, 2009
Jason Zweig, the market columnist for the Wall Street Journal, has a nice tribute to the late Peter Bernstein. You can read it here....

The older worker

Jun 20, 2009
This comes from David Rosenberg. he used to be chief economist at Merrill Lynch. He is now with Gluskin Sheff. Rosenberg always finds intriguing...

The Graduate, updated

Jun 14, 2009
Remember the famous career advice scene in the 1967 movie The Graduate? A businessman buttonholes Benjamin Braddock, the recent college graduate...

For public good, not for profit.

Real estate investment is risky

Jun 12, 2009
Bud Hebeler of sent out a note about a presentation he gave at a real estate seminar. I'm a big fan of his website and conservative...

Short sighted management?

Jun 10, 2009
Here is my puzzlement. First, we live in an era when everyone from the President to the head of the local Chamber of Commerce realizes that human...

Nussbaum on design

Jun 10, 2009
One of my favorite blogs is by Bruce Nussbaum at Business Week. He has an intriguing post on company leadership....