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EcoBroker standards: got transparency?

Oct 21, 2008
Sarah Gardner reported on the EcoBroker Program this afternoon on Marketplace. The program attempts to address two critical issues in combating...

Economic downturn to bring change, not collapse to green sector

Oct 9, 2008
The economy is in bad shape, and green businesses will definitely feel it in the months ahead. But firms that deliver great products at competitive...

Response post: renewables can't be stopped

Oct 3, 2008
It looks like Michigan and Washington are closely aligned with their renewable portfolio standards of 10% by 2015 and 15% by 2020, respectively....

The bailout plan and prospects for renewable energy

Oct 2, 2008
Sustainable thinking often requires the luxury of a long term perspective: If you don't have fuel to prepare the evening's meal, whether the...

Portland, OR tops 2008 eco-friendly city rankings

Sep 25, 2008
(Image courtesy of SustainLane) I love the annual SustainLane City Rankings, and the 2008 results came out this week, with Portland, OR at the t...

For public good, not for profit.

Even a financial crisis has a green lining

Sep 15, 2008
Wow, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch just fell in the blink of an eye. And other institutions may yet fall in the months ahead....