From This Collection

Wisconsin recall vote taps economic divide

Jun 5, 2012
Gov. Walker's success in weakening public employee unions inspires opposition -- and admiration.

Voters push education policy in Texas

May 29, 2012
Today is the Texas primary. Polls show voters tend to care about the economy and immigration, but education policy is growing in importance.

The Latino vote surging in Texas

May 28, 2012
There's no suspense about the outcome of the Texas Republican primary, but the future of elections there might change with its population.

Political ads message the holidays

May 25, 2012
Memorial Day, Labor Day, Fourth of July -- yes, those holidays are now becoming fodder for election ads.

Gov. Jerry Brown: We're going to cut and hopefully tax

May 24, 2012
California Gov. Jerry Brown talks about his plan to balance the state's budget. Currently, California is facing a deficit of close to $16 billion.

Past presidential elections through campaign posters

May 21, 2012
Ralph Eubanks, director of publishing for the Library of Congress, talks about the new book, "Presidential Campaign Posters," and what has and hasn't changed about campaigning throughout the years.

Democrats campaign on auto bailouts

May 16, 2012
Vice President Biden is in Ohio to tell voters the bailouts brought back jobs to the state.

For public good, not for profit.

Private equity and the campaign

May 15, 2012
Here's a topic you'll hear a lot about in the general election: private equity. And you can thank one of Mitt Romney's Republican opponents for that.

A fundraising boost from same-sex marriage

May 14, 2012
President Obama's shift on same-sex marriage might have opened the door to more fundraising.

From the richest to poorest in New York City

Apr 24, 2012
The poorest and richest Congressional districts in the United States are merely miles apart in New York City.