From This Collection

What consumer sentiment says about the economy

Feb 22, 2012
Richard Curtin of the Reuters/University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index discusses how the survey gauges consumer hopes and expectations, and what it means in elections.

On bailouts, from Greece to Michigan

Feb 21, 2012
As news arrives that Greece will receive a fresh $170 billion from the rest of Europe, we are broadcasting from Michigan this week leading up to that state's primary. On the minds of citizens of Michigan? The big auto bailout of a few years back.

Auto bailout a major issue in Michigan primary

Feb 21, 2012
General Motors' turnaround has been pretty dramatic. It's only been a couple years since the government bailed the company out. That bailout has turned into a major issue in the upcoming Republican primary in Michigan.

Super PAC spending in Michigan and beyond

Feb 21, 2012
Republican presidential candidates are spending millions on the state's airwaves. But those ads are more and more often not being paid for by official campaigns but by giant political action committees -- super PACs.

Let's play PAC Name Fever!

Feb 8, 2012
It's our first (and probably last) edition of PAC Name Fever, the super PAC name game where you decide whether they're real or fake.

Three-year low in unemployment

Feb 3, 2012
The latest job numbers exceeded economists' expectations, but before you get too excited about a recovery, an economist breaks down the numbers for us.
Employment seekers attend the JobExpo employment fair in New York City.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Foreclosed: The housing crisis in Las Vegas

Feb 3, 2012
Las Vegas currently holds the title for the city with the highest number of foreclosures in the country. Here, an inside look at the way people are dealing with this crisis.

For public good, not for profit.

Stuck in Vegas: The Nevada housing market

Feb 3, 2012
The housing bust and recession have left many Nevada families with little room to move.

High-tech farm investment unphased by election

Feb 2, 2012
Farmers in the Midwest hardly notice it's an election year. When times are good, as they are now in Nebraska, farmers make high-priced investments in hopes of more profitable crops next year.

Nevada grads worry about their futures

Feb 2, 2012
College seniors in Nevada have endured budget cuts and tuition hikes. They now face a less-than-promising job market.