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From This Collection
Why bank loans are getting riskier
Paddy Hirsch
and Sabri Ben-Achour
Jun 26, 2014
Banks are relaxing the terms in their loans. And that makes them riskier.
Explaining the stock split: Some financial gymnastics
Paddy Hirsch
Jun 24, 2014
In the end, stock splits are all about making shares more appealing to investors.
The difference between debt and deficit: An explainer
Paddy Hirsch
Jun 10, 2014
A lot of people confuse the words debt and deficit. They're not quite the same.
What the heck does ETF stand for? An explainer
Paddy Hirsch
May 27, 2014
Why investing in ETFs can be like playing with fire.
Explainer: Why dollar cost averaging is stupid smart
Paddy Hirsch
May 13, 2014
When it comes to investing: keep it simple, stupid.
Collateralization is not a bad word
Paddy Hirsch
May 6, 2014
Regulators and some reporters seem to think that all securitizations are created equal. They're not.
Drowning in debt? Consider a restructuring
Paddy Hirsch
Apr 28, 2014
Restructuring sounds scary because it's often associated with bankruptcy.
For public good, not for profit.
When a company gives 'guidance': An explainer
Paddy Hirsch
Apr 17, 2014
Google's profit dropped 11 percent and the company's stock jumped. How does that work?
What is an index fund?: An explainer
Paddy Hirsch
Apr 1, 2014
An index is quite simply a basket of shares.
The magic of compounding: An explainer
Paddy Hirsch
Feb 27, 2014
Compounding is one of the best tools out there to build wealth.